Conclusion / Proposed Interface

Cartesian trajectory definitions have long been a complicated topic in ROS. The investigated definitions showed that quite some differences exist about generality vs expressiveness vs ease of use, not to mention the somewhat orthogonal industrial way of doing things. In fact, most people will agree that it’s probably impossible to cover every detail, to meet all requirements of all possible users of such an interface. Nevertheless, with this document having a lot of information in one place, we believe that there are sufficient similarities to start a new trial.

If you don’t want to read the reasoning, you can jump to the proposed interface directly.


Here’s our proposal for Cartesian Trajectory Definitions. We present the new message types step by step and explain our design decisions, basing them on conclusions from the previous section Existing Cartesian Interfaces in ROS.


One common thing in all existing proposals is a Cartesian trajectory point definition. This would be fairly similar to the trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint message.

A jerk is added to the trajectory point definition, as well, so controllers executing a Cartesian trajectory can provide a smoother trajectory execution. As there is currently no message available to encode this, a custom message will be provided initially. Essentially, it would be a copy of geometry_msgs/Accel but reusing this would be semantically incorrect. There is also an open discussion on adding Jerks to geometry_msgs which would be the preferable solution.

duration time_from_start
geometry_msgs/Pose pose
geometry_msgs/Twist twist
geometry_msgs/Accel acceleration
<to_be_determined_msgs>/Jerk jerk

The definition above doesn’t contain any frame_id or timestamp information raising the need to contain this into a parent message.


When assembling Cartesian points to a trajectory additional posture information could be given to specify the desired joint configuration in case of multiple possible solutions coming from an IK solver or planner.

In a first naive attempt we define posture information inside a separate message to decouple it from the geometric waypoint definition. A given joint configuration defines the configuration being close to the desired IK solution. Multiple solutions can be checked for similarity to the given configuration.

float64[] joint_values

The user has to make sure that the number of entries given in the posture array match the number of joints similar to the trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint message. Gijs van der Hoorn proposed to use a sensor_msgs/JointState message for posture information. However, in contrast to that we propose to use a plain float64[] field instead of a full joint state in order to prevent redundant information / containing a lot of unused fields. This on the other hand raises the requirement to specify the joint names on a higher level as mentioned above.

The posture definition proposed above is raises a couple of questions / concerns as discussed inside #5.

Should the field be made optional?
  • There might be kinematic structures that only result in one single IK solution for a given Cartesian pose.
  • Posture constraints are not necessarily known or relevant when defining / executing a trajectory. The user might not have a preference for a specific configuration in which case a mandatory posture definition will force the user to pick one instead.

In order to give users the choice instead of enforcing posture definitions, we propose to have posture definitions optional.

Should partial posture specifications be supported?
  • It might be beneficial to allow partial posture definitions such as a shoulder lift joint or elbow joint value only. However, allowing this will require to have the joint names available at this stage, as well.
  • This would effectively allow both, a “flip bits” approach as used by many vendors, as well as a “qnear” approach where the user defines a (partial) joint configuration which is close to the desired configuration.
  • By allowing partial posture definitions, users can choose to specify selected joints only, while leaving the other joints for optimization e.g. by an IK solver or planner. Especially when combined with a CartesianTolerance this would be a rather powerful feature.

As a result, we propose to allow partial posture definitions.

Should postures be made a member of CartesianTrajectoryPoint?
  • One argument against that is that CartesianTrajectoryPoint should be a pure geometric representation of a setpoint independent of any robot configuration. This way, a sequence of CartesianTrajectoryPoint objects could be reused and applied to different robot kinematics and / or use-cases. Posture definition should be a part of the trajectory execution but not the trajectory definition. However, as raised in #5 (comment), we should not mix up tool paths and robot trajectories. As this proposal is about robot trajectories, CartesianTrajectoryPoint instances should be treated as trajectory setpoints, not tool paths and therefor it makes sense to incorporate the posture definition into the setpoint.
  • If posture is not included into the CartesianTrajectoryPoint structure, there has to be a way of matching posture definitions to trajectory setpoints. For this, either a unique identifier for each waypoint would be needed or users would have to provide a posture definition for each waypoint to get a 1-to-1 mapping. This would however conflict with the posture definition being optional for each waypoint. Additionally, there would have to be additional code required checking that each waypoint has a corresponding posture definition.
  • If the posture configuration is defined for each CartesianTrajectoryPoint it can be left empty for each waypoint by simply not defining it. Thus, if a user chooses not to define any posture, no additional action would be required. If postures would be stored in a parallel datastructure on trajectory level, users would have to define an empty posture for each waypoint individually.

For the sake of usability we propose to include the posture definition into the CartesianTrajectoryPoint. This comes with the cost of a CartesianTrajectoryPoint being coupled to a specific kinematic setup, though.

Should posture_joint_names be a member of CartesianPosture?
  • Defining joint names in each CartesianPosture would effectively increase the amount of redundant information in case of a fully defined posture specification for each waypoint, which motivated us to exclude it from our naive posture definition above.
  • Integrating joint names into the posture definition adds the possibility to define partial posture constraints, e.g. only requiring shoulder and elbow configuration.

As reasoned above partial posture definitions are a desired feature which is why including the joint names into the posture definition is required.

Posture definition

With the reasons above, we propose the following CartesianPosture to be included into CartesianTrajecoryPoint:

# Posture joint names may reflect a subset of all available joints (empty posture definitions are
# also possible). The length of posture_joint_names and posture_joint_values have to be equal.

string[] posture_joint_names
float64[] posture_joint_values


To get a trajectory from multiple CartesianTrajectoryPoint objects the next container is a trajectory object consisting of multiple trajectory points.

# header.frame_id is the frame in which all data from CartesianTrajectoryPoint[] is given
Header header
CartesianTrajectoryPoint[] points
string controlled_frame

At this stage we include a time stamp through the header message. Note that header also includes a frame_id, which is the assumed reference frame for the data given in points. The link that shall follow the trajectory is specified with controlled_frame. Some of the existing proposals use a geometry_msgs/Pose field to express the points’ reference frame. However, we think that using names as identifiers makes this interface more versatile, because it delegates possible lookups to where this information is easier available.


In the investigated interfaces tolerances are often proposed as scalar values for each of [position, orientation, velocity, angular velocity]. In contrast we propose specifying constraints for each axis individually by using 3-dimensional datatypes:

geometry_msgs/Vector3 position_error
geometry_msgs/Vector3 orientation_error
geometry_msgs/Twist twist_error
geometry_msgs/Accel acceleration_error

With this definition users can define tolerances per axis, where rotational constraints are meant to be angle differences in the local coordinate system. Therefore we use geometry_msgs/Vector3 instead of geometry_msgs/Pose for position_error and orientation_error.


Similar to the control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectory action we propose an action interface for executing Cartesian trajectories.

CartesianTrajectory trajectory
CartesianTolerance path_tolerance
CartesianTolerance goal_tolerance
duration goal_time_tolerance


int32 error_code
int32 SUCCESSFUL = 0
int32 INVALID_GOAL = -1 # e.g. illegal quaternions in poses

string error_string


Header header
string controlled_frame
CartesianTrajectoryPoint desired
CartesianTrajectoryPoint actual
CartesianTolerance error

For the result and feedback we again are following the methods from joint-based trajectory execution. The errors get extended by a posture-related error flag.

TLDR; Proposed interface

As elaborated in the previous section we propose the following action interface

CartesianTrajectory trajectory
  # header.frame_id is the frame in which all data from CartesianTrajectoryPoint[] is given
  Header header
  CartesianTrajectoryPoint[] points
    duration time_from_start
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
    geometry_msgs/Accel acceleration
    <to_be_determined_msgs>/Jerk jerk
    CartesianPosture posture
      string [] posture_joint_names
      float64[] posture_joint_values
  string controlled_frame
CartesianTolerance path_tolerance
  geometry_msgs/Vector3 position_error
  geometry_msgs/Vector3 orientation_error
  geometry_msgs/Twist twist_error
  geometry_msgs/Accel acceleration_error
CartesianTolerance goal_tolerance
  geometry_msgs/Vector3 position_error
  geometry_msgs/Vector3 orientation_error
  geometry_msgs/Twist twist_error
  geometry_msgs/Accel acceleration_error
duration goal_time_tolerance


int32 error_code
int32 SUCCESSFUL = 0
int32 INVALID_GOAL = -1 # e.g. illegal quaternions in poses

string error_string


Header header
string controlled_frame
CartesianTrajectoryPoint desired
    duration time_from_start
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
    geometry_msgs/Accel acceleration
    <to_be_determined_msgs>/Jerk jerk
CartesianTrajectoryPoint actual
    duration time_from_start
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
    geometry_msgs/Accel acceleration
    <to_be_determined_msgs>/Jerk jerk
CartesianTrajectoryPoint error
    duration time_from_start
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
    geometry_msgs/Accel acceleration
    <to_be_determined_msgs>/Jerk jerk


For readability reasons we left the commonly-used ROS messages collapsed.