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This is very similar to Willow Garage (2010).

Feature list

  • Trajectory points defined by pose, twist and posture (joint configuration of joints defined in posture_joint_names, It is undecided where the posture should go. Into the trajectory points or as a separate field.)
  • Contains path and goal tolerances in * absolute position distance * absolute rotation angular error * absolute linear velocity * absolute angular velocity
  • queue field which is not really clear how it should be used

Features required from hardware / driver

  • Control interface

Message definition

std_msgs/Header header  # A stamp of 0 means "execute now"
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped tool  # The frame which is being controlled
std_msgs/String[] posture_joint_names
CartesianTrajectoryPoint[] points
  std_msgs/Duration time_from_start
  geometry_msgs/Pose pose
  geometry_msgs/Twist twist
  std_msgs/Float64[] posture
  std_msgs/Float64 velocity
  std_msgs/Float64 acceleration
  std_msgs/Float64 jerk
std_msgs/Duration time_from_start
geometry_msgs/Pose pose
geometry_msgs/Twist twist
std_msgs/Float64[] posture
#trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory posture  # For determining the redundancy

CartesianTolerance path_tolerance  # Tolerance for aborting the path
  float64 position
  float64 orientation  # Permitted angular error
  float64 velocity
  float64 angular_velocity
CartesianTolerance goal_tolerance  # Tolerance for when reaching the goal is considered successful
  float64 position
  float64 orientation  # Permitted angular error
  float64 velocity
  float64 angular_velocity
std_msgs/Bool queue
std_msgs/Int32 error_code  # 0 if successful
CartesianTrajectoryPoint cartesian_state
trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint joint_state
geometry_msgs/Twist pose_error
geometry_msgs/Twist twist_error
CartesianTolerance path_tolerance  # Current tolerance used for the path
int32 SUCCESSFUL = 0